Our Approach:
As part of the Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care System we work collaboratively to support the delivery of the 6 domains of the live well model:
You can find out more about the wellbeing domains here: Our Work – Alliance (nee-alliance.org.uk)
We support the work with people from our communities and partner organisations in our local neighbourhoods to understand what is working and agree what needs to happen to help people to live healthier and happier lives in the future.
Our Governance:
The Tendring Together Voluntary Sector Coalition meets monthly to share information on developments and opportunities to get more involved. This is an inclusive meeting where partners from other sectors are welcome to attend and learn about what is happening in our local voluntary and community organisations as well as to share information about their services.
The Tendring Together Board meet four/six times a year. Tendring Together is part of the North East Essex Health and Wellbeing Alliance.